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25 Oct

Life has taken some crazy turns and I find myself needing to make some changes and be a grown ass person.  For the record most of these crazy turns have been complete blessings.

I need to eat better. I need to eat like someone that wants to live for a while and let’s face it have babies at some point.  I’m getting back on track and it’s start with paleo.

Today was my first day and I actually feel the difference. I wasn’t bloated or tired the way I am usually after lunch and I found myself drinking a lot of water not with my usual  afternoon caffeine craving.

Breakfast – egg muffins (don’t be fooled they are more like crustless quiche)

Lunch – Sausage & shrimp stir fry* over a winter squash puree.

*Collard greens, bell pepper, mushroom, garlic.

Dinner – turkey, lettuce, hummus wrap and spinach, beet, carrot, bell pepper salad.

Water consumption – 50 ounces – woot woot!!!

Not a bad day…alright time for some serious bed time.

Another manic monday…are those the lyrics?

26 Jul

Today Monday in all it’s glory included the following:

  • Oversleeping – hooray nothing like rushing to get to the office.
  • My interview job calling my references without letting me know….umm thanks for the professional courtesy. I have to say this was not such a big deal but my boss didn’t know I was applying and I feel really bad having her worry over me being a finalist. She’s wonderful and I hate that our office situation is so toxic and by me possibly leaving it would put more stress on her, unnecessary stress if they don’t make me offer.
  • Ish with the boyfriend…bleh… I love the boy but sometimes you just need your girlfriends. Boys just seem to always say the wrong thing. I know this isn’t true but being in a relationship can be incredibly frustrating.
  • Chinese food break down…and I don’t even really like chinese food. However my healthy brussel sprouts, tomato, mini beef burger lunch was not going to cut it.
  • Home and not a single dish washed or made bed in sight

I really fuckin’ hate Mondays but some tiny non-bitchy part of me feels bad for Monday. No one likes you. You are pretty much the universal return to work day. Friday gets all the LOVE and whatever is left over Thursday snatches up. Maybe Sunday evening is the second most hated but it’s nowhere near Monday.

Dearest Monday,

I feel your pain but you need to not cause me any additional grief. You’re rough enough already.


the lbg

Love you internets, too. Until next time….besos!

Day 3 Paleo

30 Jun

Paleo -1 Lil’ Brown Girl – 0

I came home today absolutely starving and threw together a quickie Paleo meal which promptly lead to a nice little nap. My body does feel lighter and eating this way eliminates all the post meal bloating I usually have which is great. Attractive image, right 😉 I’m still adjusting and my home nap crash was definitely a little side effect. However I’m familiar with the ish from the first time I made the paleo leap.

I need to tackle some dishes, trash, and lunch making tonight but I wanted to hit a post before I get caught up in the night.

Really looking to the four day weekend even though I need to do some serious interview prep. I just keep trying to send positive lurve to the universe and hope that this works out for me! I really really need a change.

I put some miles down in the morning managing a 5.7 mile run in 57 minutes. I’m starting to have the confidence in myself to consider entering a half marathon in the Fall. Crazyness! This weekend I’m gonna head to beautiful Lake Merritt and try my hand at a 7 miler 🙂

Alright I need to be a grown ass woman and handle the kitchen. Being a domestic goddess is f’ing hard work.



Back in the Game

27 Jun

I want to get back to writing and writing here in particular.

One of my previous goals was working on my fitness and health. I’m making some crazy progress in that aspect of my life. I’ve been running 11 – 20 miles a week for over a month now. The longest run I’ve managed to do is 6.5 miles which was f’ing amazing! I want to keep up running four times a week but I would like to add some strength training to help me tone and lean up.

In terms of my eating, it’s an on and off again relationship. We get back together and I dump healthy on the weekend in a red hot minute. Or happy hour just sets me back on my ass. It’s just a few beers after all and I mean there’s nuts in that bar snack mix, nuts are healthy, right??? However I am incorporating fruits, veggies, and home cooking into my daily (M-F) life like a rockstar so there you have  it kids, a few small successes.

This week I’m going to try to go back to paleo and get rid of the breads, grains, and processed junk. A year and a half ago I did Paleo for about 2 months and had a lot of success in getting healthy and feeling great.  I know it’s a challenge but I think with the running and the right eating, my body will start to feel really good and look spectacular for all my later Summer and Fall weddings.

The working out and eating both have helped give me back balance in what is an unhealthy work situation. At the end of the day, I’m not happy at my job. I swing back and forth between constant stress, over working, and producing the bare minimum at times.  The last is the worst, I hate feeling like a bad employee and less than a team player. But at the same time so much drama, mistreatment, and unnecessary stress has occurred in my office.

 The exciting thing is that I have a job interview in two weeks! I’m really hopeful and going to start studying in tomorrow. It seems that they will be interviewing quite a few people but I just need to think positively and do my absolute best! The best part is just having the hope and dream of something new. I may need to take a pay cut but it would be worth it just to start fresh and taste the passion for my work again. I’m hopeful and just going to send love out into the universe and keep my fingers crossed! Can’t lie though it makes me smile to think of the possibilities.

The point of this post is to come back. I want to come back to writing. I want writing to be a part of my balance. I want to run, eat healthy, write, and start dreaming again. My work doesn’t have to make me crazy, stressed, and/or depressed. For a long time I was letting that situation affect all aspects of my life. Now I’m trying to change that and hopefully these changes will lead to a new job!!!


the lbg

Domestic Goddess of the Kitch

10 Jan

Sundays are so lovely right until 4pm rolls around and then the sad realization that I haven’t won the lotto and will have to return to work hits. SSSSiiiiiggggghhh.

You know, you sleep in, watch a little trash tv, leisurely get up and get ready, and dash to brunch with your girls. Maybe you have a mimosa or a bloody mary and rehash the important stuff you briefly blurted out in a drunken haze the night before.  “How did we get to be so grown-up”, “I think I need a break for me”,  “I’m beginning to think this move will be very expensive” and discuss!

Well after a beautiful Sunday morning filled with sun and brunch, I needed to get serious.

K…seriously didn’t happen until about 6ish but I hit up Trader Joe’s and fought the f’ing crowd.

Hold up, I need to rant about how the entire city of San Francisco feels the need to go to TJ’s on Sunday’s dammit! I mean, I wait in line just as long as it takes me to swoop in and grab my friggin’ ish. To top that off, you damn couples are leisurely tag teaming while waiting in line, grabbing the last 10 items you forgot! Erghh! Happily living together couple-y people.  Yes, it makes me a bitter little brown girl. But still I’m crowding up Trader Joe’s too. Hypocritical Ergh!! Screw you Sunday – universal day of grocery shopping and returning to work!

On the delicious switch, I got home and made some spicy turkey meatballs from scratch. That’s right kiddies! Me the kitchen challenged made three bomba recipes this week!!! On Monday, I baked rosemary chicken w/ brussel sprouts and butternut squash. Woo Woo. Saturday, yours truly cooked up a warm salad of Portobello mushroom, basil chicken, yellow tomatoes, and spinach. Very good! Topped off by tonight I made these spicy turkey meatballs which I’m gonna put to work in some lunch dishes. I am domestic goddess (stolen from Bridget Jones)!

On the Costa Rica Fitness update – I rocked it like a champion.  Lost a pound and obviously was furious in the kitchen. However Friday and Saturday there were some drunken shengagins and cheating as predicted. I’m gonna check the scale manana to asses the damage (fingers crossed) and get back to the program this week. Thank lil’ baby jesus we changed that “official” weigh in day to Friday.

In terms of relationships, mine is a-okay but still kinda in a suedo grown-up phase of what the hell am I doing! I mean I’m gonna be 30 in March and I feel like I should know if I’m in it to win it or not. BLEH. One of my girls is in a more pressing situation with her boy and I hope she can figure it out. There’s nothing worse than having one of your girls’ corazon all tore up over what to do and how she feels. Another one of my BFFs is moving down the peninsula and I’ll be missing her immensely but due to her lame commute I think we may end up seeing her more this way. Fingers crossed.

I also still haven’t started studying for graduate school but that may have to be a February start date. I really think January is all about working out and eating right. I want to do a run this week but honestly it’s been so cold in the city that I may have to video work out it again.

Alright, this lil’ brown girl is gonna enjoy some tea, get ready for bed, and sneak in a little reading before Evil Monday sneaks up on us.

